Our goal was to increase the amount of meaningful information and functionalities that encourages users to book their trips through our wayfarer travel app. We tested this prototype with 10 users. We aimed to make travel plans easier and faster without going to browser many apps.
We interviewed both present and past users to understand the customer behavior. Identify the competition and difference in the industry. Determine the targets and audiences. Design, iterate and test solutions. Deliver the most impactful solution within the timeframe.
We compared to the competitors by analyzing multiple travel apps.
Wayfarer Advantages: Extensive travel destinations and more payment options.
Wayfarer Disadvantages: Low traffic and “Call to Action” buttons not big enough.
Lo-Fi: We took the results of the data found in user research and compared them to our insights. We took our ideas and converted them into a paper prototype.
Hi-Fi: Our Hi-Fi interactive prototype was tested on users. We updated the app according to the results.
had users complete some tests in the paper prototype. A few finding in the research caused us to make some changes. Users were skeptical because there weren’t many reviews amd the buttons were not very clear.